Monday, April 18, 2011

Theatre De La Mode

Small scale coutour dolls started being created in 1945 post war. The dolls were made in third scale to real life due to the shortage of materials after the war, designers displayed their ideas and designs by making the outfits for these dolls and showcasing them. They went on tour in 1945 from Paris to San Francisco for a year. Unfortunately when the tour was over the dolls were lost in storage and then rediscovered in 1952 and donated to the Maryhill Museum in Washington where they now still remain on display.

Following this research our task was to make our own dolls using inspiration from our past research. I made an outfit for my doll using the inspiration of Sarah Jessica Parker's character from Sex in the City, Carrie Bradshaw.
Her top is a black sequinned halter neck that is very glamorous and feminine, while this skirt is bright puffy and the shape is vintage. this outfit is fun and stand out just like Carrie Bradshaw would wear.

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